How to Learn New Skills at Little to No Cost

Looking for a new job can be a full time role in itself.

If you already have work (that is paying the bills) and need to gain more skills for your next career move it can seem impossible. Don’t be too quick to throw in the towel. If you stop the work you’re doing (and stop earning) how can you then afford to gain the new skills? It’s a catch 22 situation and one that we find many of our candidates in at some point in their lives.

Whilst still in employment, there are things that you can do to add to your “toolbox” of skills and experience. (more…)

Here’s How to Help A Recruitment Agency Find You The Perfect Job in 2016

Your next career move is highly important to you. It may be that you are looking for your:

Each job search is an individual as the person looking for it and it’s important that you do a bit of preparation to identify (realistically) the strengths you have. (more…)

How To Ask The Right Questions At An Interview

The interview is as much an opportunity for you to ask questions of a potential employer as it is for the potential employer to ask questions about you. The interview should be a two way street, as, when you are job hunting it really is as important that you understand if the job is right for you just as much as whether you are right for the job. (more…)

How to Avoid Getting Tongue-Tied at Interviews

Imagine that your recruitment agency has set up an interview for that job you’ve been waiting for news on… Congratulations would most certainly be in order! Getting an interview means you’ve made it one step closer.

Because there’s a lot at stake, the idea of a job interview can be a daunting one. (more…)

How to Ask Your Interview Questions Correctly

You may wonder if the title of this article is a typo. But the interview is as much an opportunity for you to ask questions of a potential employer as it is for the potential employer to ask questions about you. But when asking these questions, it’s important to ensure they are worded correctly. Well-worded questions allow you to be eloquent, as well as net you the answers you require. (more…)

How Do You Reach Your Career Goals?

A recruitment agency is the best way to find your first – or your next – dream career. But in order to get the most from your agent, it’s a good idea to have a crystal clear goal in mind, because it is one of the biggest contributing factors to your success.

How do you normally reach your goals? There are two options: one is to push continuously, and the other is to coast. (more…)

Create A CV That Will Get You Noticed

There are many suggestions out there on how to put together a CV that will wow potential employers; so many, in fact that it can be difficult to figure out where to take advice from. Thankfully, there are a few areas of your CV that you can concentrate on to get noticed.

Although your CV is only one piece in a very large puzzle, as far as achieving your next career move is concerned, it is a vital piece. The basics have to be right. (more…)

What to Include In a Cover Letter for a Senior Management Position

If you want the best chance at landing a senior management position and want to pave the way for negotiating the salary you want, your cover letter must contain certain elements.

Why Your Cover Letter is Important

When you submit a cover letter for a senior management position, you are essentially providing whoever will be reading it – usually the executive recruiter – with a reason to want to meet with you. That being said, your cover letter must stand out to them in some way. Below are some tips to ensure that your cover letter attracts the right kind of attention. (more…)

How LinkedIn has made you worse at recruitment…

LinkedIn has taken off in a big way as a platform for employers to connect with potential candidates. Never before has there been such an easily accessible pool of talent covering so many industries and levels of experience. In theory it’s easier than ever to connect with the candidates that are perfect for your business. (more…)

Employment and Pay: This Year’s Predictions

Each year the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) releases a document making predictions about the year’s labour market. This gives us great insight into the year ahead and can be a useful tool for businesses writing an expansion strategy as well as for individuals looking for work or contemplating career moves. (more…)