A Nation of Shopkeepers: What are the Growth Sectors in Recovery Britain?
In 1805, Britain was famously, and contemptuously, dismissed by Napoleon Bonaparte as a ‘nation of shopkeepers’. Like many other attempted historical putdowns, this label has been taken as a badge of honour by many Brits for the past 210 years, to describe the pride and self-sufficiency of the British workforce. But to what extent is this still true? There is no denying that the UK economy has changed enormously over the past 20 years, and that the ongoing economic recovery is making further changes to the way Brits do business and make a living. (more…)
How You Can Optimise Your Workplace To Entice New Recruits
As much as you may feel it is you primarily doing the interviewing when a potential new recruit arrives at your office, the process of evaluation is very much a two-way street. From the moment the recruit steps out of their car or bus makes and their way through your office doors, they are busy making semiconscious snap judgements about whether they want to work for you. (more…)
How To Ask The Right Questions At An Interview
The interview is as much an opportunity for you to ask questions of a potential employer as it is for the potential employer to ask questions about you. The interview should be a two way street, as, when you are job hunting it really is as important that you understand if the job is right for you just as much as whether you are right for the job. (more…)
Should Hirers Use Social Media to Research Candidates?
Social media has been a mixed blessing for people working in HR. LinkedIn, in particular, sometimes seems to have been designed specifically with hirers in mind. Millions of people use LinkedIn as an online CV, complete with endorsements and references from former employers, candidates and customers. Hirers can find high quality candidates from their required industries and verify background information, qualifications and employment details at the drop of a hat. Everyone is a winner; candidates are headhunted more often, clients get access to high-quality staff, advertising costs are slashed and the vetting process is made quick and easy. No wonder that so many hirers have taken to social media, using Facebook and Twitter as well as LinkedIn, is a convenient means of sourcing and vetting candidates. (more…)
What to Include In a Contract between Employer and Employee
The employment contract is a standard agreement between an employer and yourself. The more comprehensive the contract, the more specific an employer can be about your duties and responsibilities. Ultimately, the employment contract allows you to understand exactly what your employer expects of you.
Although there are many cases which don’t require the contract to be in writing for legal validity, doing so confirms the responsibilities of both yourself and your employer, and can offer tangible proof of terms and requirements should the contract need to enter a court of law. (more…)
What Are The Most Important Employment Contract Requirements?
An employment contract can contain any number of terms and conditions to which both an employer and you, the employee agree. However, there are some elements of an employment contract which hold more importance than others.
Every employer is required to comply with basic employment law. But what items should you ensure are included in your employment contract before you sign?
First, it’s important to understand that, right from the moment you are offered a job, your employer is bound by the law, even if they make only a verbal agreement to employ you. However, any employer’s legal requirement can be dissolved if you haven’t submitted evidence of suitability for the job, such as the proof of right to work in the UK and/or the providing of adequate references, and so it’s important to ensure you’ve included this information with your application. (more…)
What Is Recruitment Of Staff In Common Terms?
No company can satisfy the requirements of its customers or reach its other goals without the right staff. Typically, when a company needs to identify their future staffing requirements they will compose something called a workforce plan. This plan looks at the current staff and plans for staffing needs such as maternity leave and retirement.
When there is an employment vacancy and a business needs to hire the right candidate, they will start the recruitment process.
What is Recruitment of Staff?
Recruitment of staff is the process of hiring a person for a vacant employment position. (more…)
How LinkedIn has made you worse at recruitment…
LinkedIn has taken off in a big way as a platform for employers to connect with potential candidates. Never before has there been such an easily accessible pool of talent covering so many industries and levels of experience. In theory it’s easier than ever to connect with the candidates that are perfect for your business. (more…)
Employment and Pay: This Year’s Predictions
Each year the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) releases a document making predictions about the year’s labour market. This gives us great insight into the year ahead and can be a useful tool for businesses writing an expansion strategy as well as for individuals looking for work or contemplating career moves. (more…)