Experience isn’t the best predictor of a new recruits’ success

Harvard Business Review recently revealed a review of 81 studies that investigated the link between an employee’s prior work experience and their performance in a new organisation.  The HBR study found no significant correlation. Even when people had completed tasks, held roles, or worked in functions or industries relevant to their current ones, it did not translate into better performance inside a new organisation.

Their conclusion doesn’t surprise us – we know that experience isn’t a great predictor of a new recruits’ success.

It seems counterintuitive

It might seem intuitive that applicants who have general work experience or have already done the job that they’re applying for would be at an advantage.  But when HBR looked at the 81 studies, they discovered a very weak relationship between pre-hire experience and performance, both in training and on the job.  They also found zero correlation between work experience with earlier employers and retention, or the likelihood that a person would stick with their new organization.

Yet job related experience remains one of the top requirements of many employers when recruiting for a role.  Take a look at any job board and you will see that the majority of roles ask for experience even in non-skilled and entry level jobs.  Intuition might say that experience is important – but the evidence (and our experience as recruiters) doesn’t support the idea that candidates with more experience make for better employees.

Why not ‘experience’?

OK, so we haven’t conducted any formal studies – but anecdotal evidence over 22 years and thousands of positions filled suggests that the reason is that many employers measure ‘experience’ using the wrong metrics.  They sift CV’s based on how long an applicant was in a similar role or how many jobs someone has had. Often sifting out those with less or no direct experience.

The problem is that basic metrics like these say nothing about the quality or the significance of any experience gained, things that have more bearing on future performance.  Applicants with ‘experience’ can often impress with the use of industry jargon and what seem like industry related insight that gives the impression that that they will hit the ground running.  But it’s often not the case. Whilst past behaviour is a great predictor of future behaviour – basic metrics based on experience do not measure behaviours.  The applicant might have failed or stagnated in previous role – the key interview skill is to delve into what a candidate has learned from previous experience and how they actually performed.

Employers should also be considering what sort of organisational culture experience was gained in.  Bringing behaviours from an organisation that doesn’t operate in the same way you do can have a seriously negative effect of team dynamics and business performance.

Sadly, when individuals have been screened out because they lack traditional work experience, we lose the opportunity meet candidates who might impress with their answers and we miss the chance to explore behaviours that might be exactly those we want right for the role

What factors should we focus on?

Employers often assume that candidates with experience have gained appropriate knowledge and skills.  They can also think that certain types of previous roles – for instance sales – attract people with particular and much desired personality traits.  Our advice is to focus on knowledge, skills and traits during interview rather than relying on previous experience or even education.

We can understand why so many organisations ask for experience. Experience seems easy to assess. Have they worked in project management for at least five years? Have they managed people before? Have they got sale experience?  The answer is a binary yes or a no.  Past performance and existing knowledge and skills are more difficult to figure out, especially if all you have is an application form or a CV.

The reality is that at this time of high employment and when the best candidates have choices; companies simply can’t afford to select out candidates who would do really well but don’t have the experience that someone decided to put in the job description.  We live in a time when organisations need to expand the pool of people being considered.

If you would like to know more about how the First Base team can help you find the right people for your organisations please call Tricia Hay on 01453 755330 or email tricia.hay@first-base.co.uk.




The Power of Diversity and Inclusion

It hadn’t occurred to me that Diversity and Inclusion could be a sensitive subject until I read a recent report suggesting that many organisations still haven’t got their heads around the obvious benefits. Although we may not have called it D&I 20 years ago, having a genuinely inclusive environment is a natural and normal way for us to operate as a business.

For sure there is legislation that places responsibility on employers in areas such as age, disability, gender, race, religion, belief and sexual orientation. But to slavishly stick to the minimum requirements of the legislation is to miss the real opportunities of an inclusive workplace.  On a personal level it has been a pleasure and massive privilege to work and interact with a diverse range of people. Even when I might not have agreed with them, I’ve always learned something. Different views, experiences and perspectives in the teams I have worked with have made a major contribution to generating new and often innovative ideas.

From a recruitment perspective, don’t underestimate the importance an enlightened D&I environment. Many of the best candidates we see are keen to know about an organisations approach to D&I and it definitely features as part of their decision making.

Defining D&I

There’s the legal definition of course but to reap the full benefits you need to go beyond simple compliance. Fundamentally D&I is about the broad mix of people in your team and inclusion is how you involve them so that everyone is given the opportunity to make a positive contribution.

To be genuinely inclusive means recognising and then setting aside conscious and unconscious bias.  Avoiding assumptions based on differences starts with the example set by management- and starts from the moment a job role is being defined in the recruitment process. Assumptions can lead to discrimination – bad news legally but even worse for individuals and for the business.

The benefits

Taking positive steps to avoid any type of discrimination can lead to real benefits.

Diversity in the workplace can provide:

•  Increased retention and lower employee turnover.
•  Reducing recruitment costs.
•  Greater innovation.
•  Greater employee engagement leading to higher discretionary effort from employees.
•  Increased staff loyalty.
•  Higher staff morale.

Valuing differences

Inclusion is about ensuring everyone feels valued, respected and supported.  It’s about focusing on the needs of every individual and ensuring the right conditions are in place for each person to achieve their full potential.

When we talk about a culture of inclusion, we think about an environment that allows people with multiple backgrounds, mind-sets and ways of thinking to work effectively together and perform to their highest potential in order to achieve organizational objectives. In that type of environment, different voices are respected and heard, diverse viewpoints, perspectives and approaches are valued and everyone is encouraged to make a unique and meaningful contribution.

It starts at the top

The culture of a business is heavily influenced by the support from senior management.  Senior managers should lead from the front to support diversity and inclusion best practices. Workplace diversity initiatives need to receive proactive encouragement from the top, and they should support the ongoing commitment from other people within the workplace.

Dealing with a bad manager

It is often said that people don’t leave their jobs; they leave bad managers.  That is certainly our experience based on feedback from many job seekers.

Depending on which piece of research you read, between 50% and 75% of employees quit their jobs not because of the job itself or because of lack of opportunities, but because of their boss.  Maybe you work for someone who never seems satisfied, shows no appreciation for the work you do or is never around – the list of bad boss behaviours is seemingly endless.  Working with a bad boss is frustrating at best and emotionally draining at worst.  It can impact on work performance, home life, relationships, self- confidence, health and well-being.  A bad boss can make being at work the last place you want to be.  Many do quit a bad boss – but before taking the nuclear option, there are tactics you can adopt to help you and your boss.

An employee’s relationship with their boss is just like any other relationship.  It needs to be nurtured and worked on.  The relationship doesn’t just depend on doing a good job.  Being fully appreciated and treated well can be affected by a miss-match in communication style, personal values or expectations – all things that a boss might not recognise no matter how good you are at your job.
Even if today your boss is a “good” one, you should acknowledge that the future of your work relationship is more about connection, communication and cultural fit than it is about the work itself.  This doesn’t mean you can do a bad job and get away with it – it means doing a good job AND working on the relationship.

Seek first to understand

Try walking in your bosses’ shoes. What targets have they been given? What pressures are they under? What are their goals and objectives?  The more you understand things from their perspective the more you can take these things into account and support them.

What about their communication style? Do they prefer regular updates and let you get on with it or are they sticklers for deadlines? How do they like updates to be delivered, by email, phone or face to face?

Look out for trends in their behaviour.  What seems to upset them and what keeps them off your back or generates a thank you? If you identify themes you begin to understand what is most important to them. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with their aims, just seek to understand them and adapt your behaviour in a way that will give you some influence with them.

Seeking to understand your boss and then adapting your style to meet theirs, could change the workplace dynamic for you.  Maybe you don’t want to use these tactics, and you think it’s up to the boss to change for you – that’s not a wrong perspective; it just might mean that you do need to start looking for that next job.

Before you take that final step, consider the power that you might have to move the entire relationship with your boss to a more positive one.

If you would like to know more about how the First Base team could help you if you decide to make a career change, call Tricia Hay on 01453 755330 or email tricia.hay@first-base.co.uk.


How to avoid working for a bad boss

Having a difficult boss is quite often the reason we are given for why some people are looking for a new job.  A manager with poor people skills can easily make a workplace unbearable. 

Some bosses do it without realising it, while others openly manipulate their employees and use them as instruments for their own success.  Regardless of their methods, bad bosses are bad for your well-being, slow down your career progress and can create unnecessary stress. I’ve worked with over 600 management teams all over the world and have found that toxic bosses exist across all sectors.  Public bodies, charities, companies small and large all have their share of managers with poor people skills.

The teams I have worked with worked with often use the same words to describe the bad managers they have worked for.  They include:

•  Self-oriented 

•  Stubborn 

•  Overly demanding 

•  Impulsive 

•  Micro-managing

•  Bullying

In my experience many bosses aren’t surprised by the words used to describe them.  A recent CIM study found that 64% of managers admit that they need to work on their management skills.  When asked where they focus their efforts, managers overwhelmingly say, “Bringing in the numbers”; yet when they are fired, it is often due to their poor people skills.

Avoid working for bad managers

Whilst you might not be able to change your old boss, there are some questions you can ask at interview to ensure you are not about to end up working for the same character with a different name. 

1.  How long has your present team been in place?

You want to find out if there is a high turnover of staff and if possible, why.  If the interviewer avoids being specific it might be a sign that there is more conflict than is healthy. 

2.  How would your team describe your management style?

Difficult bosses will often use this question to tell you about their attitude to managing people.  If the answer is all about their own opinion and ignores the bit about what their team think, it can be a sign that they are overly self-centred. 

3.  Who are your favourite authors on leadership?

Check out what, if any, management books you can see in the interviewer’s office.  Managers who don’t read about leadership may never have been properly trained or potentially think that the know it all.  If their favourite book is “Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun” or “Management and Machiavelli” – be warned!

4.  How would you describe the team culture?

Make sure their reply genuinely makes you a good fit for the organisation. If it makes you feel uncomfortable at interview it will be ten times worse if you join a culture you end up hating. 

5.  How does the appraisal system work here?

If you get a roll of the eyes and a reply that suggests proper feedback is just a paperwork or HR exercise, the manager might not provide the support you need to make progress. If they say that they will make sure you and everybody else will know if are not doing well – take that as a big red flag.

6.  How does the team celebrate success?

Look out for hints about attitudes to work-life balance, culture and rewards other than the usual pay and benefits. “Success will keep me off your back” or lack of a fluent answer might suggest a boss who likes to take all the praise. 

Body language and tone

Non-verbal clues often say more than words so be aware of the interviewer’s body language when you ask a questions.  Do they pause just a bit too long; do they seem uncomfortable or irritated at being asked perfectly reasonable questions?

Know what you want

Every one of those 600+ teams I’ve worked with not only knew about bad bosses, but could also describe the sort of boss that they loved to work with.  Make sure you are clear about what you want in a boss, think about the qualities you have admired in good managers that you have worked for (or would like to work for).  

Finally, ask around about the organisations reputation as an employer.  Do some subtle research personally and on social media. Check out sites such as Glass Door where previous employees leave their views and LinkedIn where you can view the profile of your interviewer.  Do they make comments or write posts that give you clues as to what they really think?

A good employer will never be concerned about being scrutinised and after all, it’s your life.  The better informed you are the easier it is to make the right decision.

If you would like to know more about how to avoid toxic bosses or asking questions at interview, call 01453 755330 or email tricia.hay@first-base.co.uk

First Base – Giving Something Back

“Giving something back” might seem a trite phrase in the hard headed world of business, but at First Base we believe it’s our social duty as well as making sound business sense.

Since founding First Base in 1997, MD Tricia Hay, has supported the aims of ‘Business In The Community” and is a firm believer that the prosperity of business and the local community is inextricably linked.  When a business strives to be the best it can be as a responsible business, there is a positive multiplier effect that benefits society, the economy, the environment and business.

Being a Responsible Business requires purposeful leaders to drive leadership at every level across the business in order to:

As a recruitment business working with hundreds of local companies and thousands of job seekers, we feel particularly well placed to be a positive influence. 

What we do

All of the First Base team gets involved in how our business can act as a force for good by helping to create a skilled, inclusive, diverse workforce and how we contribute to building a thriving local community. 

It starts with a team who love what they do.  Helping employers find the right people and individuals to find their dream job is extremely satisfying work!

First Base Education

We’ve learned a lot over the years about recruiting and retaining the best people as well as how to help job seekers with their career progression.  We freely share that knowledge and other useful  information through our blogs, videos, social media and ‘Insight’ papers.  From job fairs to graduate recruitment events, from mock student interviews to seminars for business owners and active support for National Star College – every week our team is doing something to “give back”. 

Straight Talking Seminars

We’re passionate about building a responsible business and equally passionate about helping other businesses to understand how to build a successful enterprise.

Our Straight Talking Seminar programme goes beyond our core expertise in recruitment to providing world class, no-nonsence and practical seminars on a range of business topics from employee engagement, well-being at work and leadership to marketing and sales. Working with both the Gloucester and Cirencester Growth Hubs we are currently delivering a programme of interactive workshops on social selling – influencing local businesses to grow sales based on a trust based, ethical approach to winning business. 

What do we get out of it?

Fundamentally we commit to playing our part as a responsible business because we believe it is the right thing to do. We sleep well at night and gain enormous personal satisfaction. 

On the other hand we couldn’t invest time, energy and money if we were not a successful business.  A bi-product of that investment is the amazing reciprocity from our own team, individual job seekers, employers and our suppliers. It is their support for First Base that has helps us to continue to grow and play our part in the community.

If you’d like to know more about how giving back can be powerful for the community and your business or how at First Base can help you with your recruitment and job seeking, call 01453 755330 or email tricia.hay@first-base.co.uk


22 Tips To Help Attract The Best Talent For Your Company

After placing 14,000 people with 350 top organisations, we have learned a thing or two about how employers attract the best people – and why some companies struggle to recruit and retain good people. These days we find that the best candidates have a clear idea about the type of organisations they will and won’t work for – here are our 22 top tips to help you attract the right people.

1. Identify the requirement.

It sounds basic stuff but sadly too many organisations don’t accurately identify and share the requirements of the position they seek to fill. Everyone involved in the recruitment or interview process needs to be fully familiar with the needs and wants of the company.

Identify the qualities that the organisation seeks for in the candidate for a particular position and write it down. If there is no proper identification of requirements, then there’s a chance that candidates you select do not possess the required skills and aptitude.

2. Write a compelling and accurate job description.

There is an increased need to properly and accurately describe the actual role you are recruiting for to candidates. Outline the role as it really is today or you risk losing a new recruit in the first few months. Don’t just highlight the best parts of the job or how it might look in the future – and don’t hire for part-time when what you really have is a full-time job. A new recruit hired part-time being pressured to work extra hours isn’t a great motivator.

3. Have a reputation for being a great place to work.

Just as a company has a ‘brand’ designed to reflect what customers can expect of its products or services; a company has an employer brand that reflects what employees can expect of its employment practices. The best and most profitable customers are attracted by a brand that can be trusted to deliver on its marketing promises and the best talent is attracted by an employer that can be trusted to fulfill the promises made in a recruitment campaign or at interview.

Put simply, the businesses with the best employer brands attract more applications from the best candidates. Companies that appear in The Times Top 100 Best Companies for instance, enter the competition because they know that being recognized as a good employer has a direct effect on recruitment and ultimately bottom-line results.

4. Talent and skills over experience.

There are highly talented people out there who may be just perfect for the job you have within your company because of their set of skills, but who lack the years of experience you say you require in the job advert.

The fact that someone does not have previous experience in a particular position does not mean that they won’t be able to succeed. In fact, the contrary is proven every single day. Most people love challenges and are more than willing to work hard and strive to prove that they can be trusted to do a great job if you as an employer, give credit to their skills and strengths.

5. Big up your culture

If you are an SME, don’t worry about losing out on talent to bigger corporate firms. The entrepreneurial culture of a smaller business is a big selling point for attracting talent. Make sure this comes across in any job adverts you create.

6. Rewards and benefits

Make a good proposition for your candidates and let them know what you stand for as a company. How do you reward them and what’s their work-life balance like? Be clear about what your brand represents: this isn’t just what you tell your customers, but what you tell your staff. Benefits are about a lot more than the pay packet.

7. Network nous

The more of your people that network, the more your business’s reputation will be enhanced across your industry. Managers who are searching for new staff should always be making new connections and attending events. Offer referral incentives so that all your employees are encouraged to network.

8. Meet the team.

Try to avoid conducting all of the interview processes in a one-to-one meeting in private rooms. After all, your employment brand and culture should be a big selling point. Show candidates around the office and introduce them to potential team members – this way they’ll get a real feel for the business.

9. Be decisive.

Some businesses have a 30-day window for applications and then invite all the appropriate applicants in for interviews. The risk in this approach is that the best job seekers who applied very early on may have found somewhere else by that time. As soon as you see someone you like, get them in for a meeting.

10. Recruit first, job second.

If you are introduced to someone who is a ‘good fit’ for your company, create a role for them.   Don’t get stuck in a routine and hire only when you have a vacancy. Keep the business fresh by doing things the other way around. The best businesses recruit people, rather than aiming to fill a specific post, create a position for talented potential employees whenever practical.

11. Offer the right rate for the job.

It’s a job seekers market right now and failing to offer at least the market rate is unlikely to attract the best candidates.

12. Provide personal development opportunities.

Every good candidate wants to know what opportunities there are for development. Failing to provide a personal development and progression plan is a big switch off for many good people.

13. Make time for recruitment.

At First Base we can help and support organisations to save time and money. Never the less, there remains a requirement for the right amount of time and attention to be allocated internally to ensure interviews are effective and that candidates get the best impression.

14. Don’t procrastinate

Being decisive is becoming really important. Some organisations simply take too long to make a recruitment decision and then lose the candidate to a more switched on company.

15. Health and wellbeing.

It’s would be difficult to miss how big this is right now. Organisations need to be serious about wellbeing at work, not just because it is expected but because it is the right thing to do. The more an organisation shows it really cares, the more attractive it is an employer.

16. Know what’s great about you as an organisation to work for.

Every job and every company has things that are great about them.  In order to stand out from other potential employer’s, an organisation needs to know who they are trying to attract and what will motivate them to want to work with them.

17. Company values.

There is a whole new generation of talent who want to be paid well for a job well done AND to know that their personal values are aligned with those of their employer. Social issues and community awareness are high on their agenda.

18. Explain the recruitment process to every candidate.

Candidates selected for interview should know exactly what to expect; when they will be interviewed, where they will be interviewed and who will be involved in the interview. Make sure there are no surprises, no bad practices, no uncertainties and no confusion.

If you don’t portray your organisation as a great employer from the very start, the best candidate may decide your company is not the right fit for them.

19. Prepare for the interview.

Too many managers glance at a CV a couple of minutes prior to the interview. Leaving to the last minute means being unlikely to be able to ask insightful and intelligent questions or hold a meaningful two-way conversation.

Use the candidate’s CV to prepare probing questions about accomplishments, work ethic and attitudes.

Do a quick LinkedIn and social media check to explore outside interests and who they network with.

20. Have a conversation, don’t interrogate.

You can’t have a conversation unless you do some preparation. You simply won’t know enough to do anything other than ask questions. When an interview is conversational (and you listen effectively) candidates relax, speak more freely and provide more detail. Have a grown-up, respectful conversation and don’t use tricks or techniques to put the candidate under pressure.

21. Outline the next steps.

At the end of the interview always describe the rest of the recruitment process. Explain what you will do and when you plan to do it. Don’t force the candidate to ask. Tell them and if there are any changes following the interview communicate with them.

22. Follow up – with everyone.

It’s a fundamental business courtesy that says lots about you as an employer. Failing to follow up is incredibly rude, will be remembered and broadcast widely by those who invested time in your recruitment process but received little courtesy in return.

The team at First Base can help you to recruit and retain great people. If you would like to know more about why candidates and employers tell us that First Base is their first choice call 01453 755330 or email tricia.hay@first-base.co.uk

Supporting staff through the menopause

Acknowledging the menopause and understanding how to support colleagues is a critical management issue for organisations big and small.

Women aged 45 and over are one of the fastest growing groups of employees in the British economy. It also happens to be a time in their lives when women are reaching menopause and can experience a wide range of potentially debilitating symptoms. The menopause has health and wellbeing consequences for individuals and can impact their effectiveness at work.

My wife fortunately works for one of the more enlightened organisation where male and female managers attend training on menopause awareness. Being supported through the roller coaster of physical and emotional effects of menopause made a huge difference to her personal well-being, home life and effectiveness at work.

Understanding the menopause

The symptoms which accompany transition to menopause sometimes continue post-menopause and can continue for several years. They can be debilitating – for around a quarter of women, they are seriously debilitating. Symptoms can include hot flushes and night sweats, heavy and erratic periods, difficulties with focus and memory, irritability, mood swings and depression.

How an organisation deals with women’s transition through menopause impacts its reputation as an employer and ability to attract and retain the best people.

So what do managers need to know?

1. The experience of menopause varies considerably from woman to woman, and there’s a long list of potential symptoms. Accordingly, it is important for workplaces to provide a variety of reasonable adjustments so that mid-life female workers can request the right options for them. Many of these such as providing desktop fans, cold drinking water and easy access sanitary protection, are cheap and easy to introduce. A flexible working pattern can also help women to manage their symptoms – if they have had a bad night’s sleep, for example and is already something all employees in the UK have the right to request. Other initiatives, like training for managers and HR an are excellent investment.

2. Sadly, some women report feeling as if their colleagues and managers treat them differently and unfairly due to the assumptions and stereotypes about the menopause. Unfortunately, in some organisations, there remains evidence of bullying, harassment and micro performance management because of a failure to properly understand the menopause. Compared with attitudes, policies and processes around pregnancy and maternity at work, the difference can become very obvious.

3. Organisations increasingly recognise the importance of social responsibility. The social responsibility case for employers to provide appropriate support for female staff experiencing menopause in the workplace is undeniable. There is ample evidence that work offers much more than just pay for older women. It is also a vital source of social support and self-esteem. Equally, it is clear that too many women do not feel able to speak up about any menopausal symptoms at work because they fear being judged, harassed or bullied.

The result is that they women manage their symptoms without any understanding or support which has negative connotations for both the individual and their employer.

4. Whilst providing support and understanding is simply the right thing to do for the individual and the business, there are also potential legal risks and financial costs associated with treating menopausal women unfairly.

5. There are other clear business reasons for making provision for women in menopause. The average cost of replacing an employee, for example, one who leaves because her symptoms make it too difficult to continue in her job without some reasonable adjustments, is £30,000. This includes the cost of lost output as well as the cost of recruiting. Less tangible costs, but just as important, include the loss of the departing individual’s expertise and experience.

Just like my wife’s enlightened organisation has found, introducing menopause in the workplace policies and other best practice is straightforward, makes business sense and is something all responsible companies should implement.

If you’d like to know more about how the team at First Base can help you with ideas about recruitment and retention of great people, call 01453 755330 or email tricia.hay@first-base.co.uk

By David Tovey

Motivating staff after the summer holidays

We all know that it’s important for people to take holidays. Breaks allow people to recharge physically and emotionally, disconnecting from day-to-day concerns and return to work rested, refreshed and enthused.

However, keeping employees focused on work before and after their holiday can be a challenge. The key is to plan ahead. These tips can help ensure your employees not only feel comfortable taking time off from work, but that they are productive right up to the date they leave and are able to hit the ground running as soon as they return.

Be prepared

Motivating employees on their return from holiday starts before they leave. Have a plan in place so that projects and day to day activities run smoothly while they are away. Make sure you are aware of the busy periods in your department to determine the best and worst times for employees to take holidays. You might be surprised how many managers approve holiday requests only to find their department seriously understaffed at peak times.

Ask your team to organise their holiday schedules well in advance to avoid workload peaks, explain that everyone’s assistance is needed during those periods to ensure business objectives are met. Failing to plan for holidays often leaves a manager resenting the time their staff take off. Unless a manager is a trained actor, that resentment will show – not a great way to motivate any individual or team!

Above all don’t ask or expect people to take work with them on holiday. Encourage a culture where staff don’t feel that they should be checking or dealing with emails and work related issues when they are on holiday.

Identify potential issues

Some people will wait until the last minute to consider the projects or tasks that must be moved forward while they are away. It can be difficult to think weeks in advance, but putting off the task can cause important activities to be forgotten. This is one area where staff might need your help.

Meet with team members who have upcoming holidays well in advance of their holiday dates. Discuss tasks that will need to be accomplished while they are away and identify colleagues who can help out. Make sure everyone involved starts communicating immediately, don’t leave things until the last moment.

Make sure you stay in the loop so that you are aware of the tasks that the person going on leave is working on and who will cover for that person. This will allow you to help address any challenges that arise while your team member is away.

Take it slow

Don’t expect someone returning from a week or two’s break to launch in at full speed on their first day or back. As much as possible, give some leeway to allow the person to settle back into work. Don’t plan an important meeting the day they return or have a large project or task waiting for them that might overwhelm them on day one. In some circumstance, it may even be wise to organise a one day buffer to continue having the person’s backup provide support until the person returning from holiday can get back up to speed.

Touch base right away

Getting back to work on day one can feel like the same old routine. After the ecstasy of an amazing holiday, the first day back can feel like a real downer when it’s straight in at the deep end.

Organise an informal meeting, maybe over a coffee, to touch base with the employee soon after their return to work. Show genuine interest in their holiday. You might be surprised to find they come back brimming with positive and useful new ideas – don’t kill their enthusiasm with a negative atmosphere. Try not to hit them with everything that might have gone wrong whilst they were away, find something positive to say before mentioning any challenges.

If appropriate, invite the people who covered for them so that they can provide updates on tasks and projects they dealt with while the person was away. Help them to refocus and prioritise their efforts so that the most important or pressing tasks are completed first.

With the proper planning, you can ensure your staff not only feel comfortable taking time off but are also able to return to work fully recharged and ready to go!

If you’d like to know more about how the team at First Base can help you with ideas about how to motivate your team, call 01453 755330 or email tricia.hay@first-base.co.uk

Avoiding those back to work blues

When you have experienced the ecstasy of switching on your ‘Out of Office’ notice – thoughts of what will be waiting for you when you return after that long awaited holiday seem a long way off.

Hopefully, as you switched on the out of office, you also switched off your business email and social media accounts and committed to taking a proper break from all work related activities. You’ve made sure you are not joining the two in three people who report that they worked whilst on holiday!

With proper preparation you can set off on you holiday, recharge your batteries and avoid those back to work blues and worries of mounting emails, incomplete tasks or important meetings scheduled for when you return. Here’s some tips that might help.

1. Start with a positive mind-set

Holidays give us time to think about issues that we often put to the back of our minds when we are at work. Careers, relationships, workload and other deep seated issues come to the surface when are away from the day to day hustle and bustle. After the dream of taking early retirement, not going back or a finding a new job on some exotic island gives way to reality, some people will start to dread the thought of going back to work. This can lead to a spiral of negativity which can cancel out all the benefits of the amazing holiday you had and will inevitably be noticed by colleagues. Moods are contagious, so don’t take a bad one into work!

When you are thinking about your first day back at work, instead of focusing on the negative (your full inbox or a daunting customer meeting), think about those elements within your role that you enjoy. Focus your mind on the things you are looking forward to about returning to work.

Take time on holiday to read a book or listen to a podcast about the advantages of a positive mind-set. You might find you learn new life skills that make a big difference.

2. Accept that you will return to a full inbox

Before you return to work, accept that your email inbox will be bulging and there will be lots to catch up on. However, you can reduce the immediate pressure by setting your email expectations within your “Out of Office” message. Make it clear when you will be returning to the office and maybe think about adding an extra day to give you a buffer on day one of your return.
On day one, avoid scheduling lots of meetings and calls, instead, schedule time in your calendar to work through your inbox. Start by focusing on the emails which you know are a priority or have been sent by key colleagues and clients.

3. Help yourself to quickly re-adjust back to work

The steps above will improve your mood as you prepare to return to work after your break. However, there are also some more practical steps which you can take to help you get ready for the first day back. Before you leave for your holiday, make sure you have everything in place that you will need for work when you return. Clothes, uniform, work bag and even ingredients for lunches can be pre-prepared to avoid any last minute panics. A little advance organisation will help ease you into you work routine.

4. Personalise your workspace

According to the Association for Psychological Science, creating a tidy and more personal workspace can improve your mood. Try adding simple touches such as a treasured photograph (maybe a snap of your recent holiday) or plants which will give you an instant lift.

5. Think about how you can make useful changes

Holidays give you time to think and sometimes thoughts can turn to everything that you would like to change about your job. Rather than dwelling on everything you feel is wrong about the organisation, spend some time working out how you could improve things for yourself and your employer.

Fix a meeting with your line manager and make positive suggestions about your own area of work (not what you would do to change everything about the place!) and how it would help you to be even more productive. You might be surprised about the influence you gain on wider issues when you suggest changes you can personally make that affect your own role.

Do you have deeper issues? – make a plan

The steps above can be quick solutions to ensure your return to work is more bearable in the short-term. However, they are unlikely to solve bigger issues that might cause you to dread going back to work. During your holiday, try to establish exactly what it is which is making you feel so down about returning to work. By identifying the bigger problems, it will make it much easier to create a plan of action to solve them. What parts of your job are making you dread going back to work? Maybe you no longer feel challenged and don’t feel valued. Perhaps a lack of support from your boss has seen you turned down for a promotion. Maybe you can’t see a clear career path with your current employer. Perhaps you are struggling with an increasing workload that causes a high levels of stress.

If you haven’t previously made your manager aware of the problems, they can’t know that you need help. They won’t be able to put measures in place to help put things right. The first step is to have an open and honest conversation with your manager. When you meet, discuss the ways in which you can work together to address the issues you are struggling with. Resolve to deal with things when you get back from your holiday and you can spend the rest of your time away knowing you have a plan. Then you can get on with your your well-deserved break!

Is it time to look for a new job?

Have already tried talking to your boss about the issues you’re facing but feel as if nothing will change? Perhaps it might be time to follow your instincts and consider finding a new position.
Spend some time during your holiday thinking about the type of job you would like to find and your career goals. Think about the network of contacts you already have that could help you – this will give you something positive to focus on and a plan of action for kicking off your job search when you return.

It’s important to remember that most people will experience some degree of back-to-work blues as they think about returning to work after a great holiday. These feelings can creep in before they’ve even packed their suitcase. Resolve to take some practical steps, make a plan and enjoy your break!

If you’d like to know more about how the team at First Base can help you when you are considering your next career move, call 01453 755330 or email tricia.hay@first-base.co.uk

5 ways to stay motivated during your job search

You’ve researched endless job listings, tailored your CV and personal profile, attended career fairs, updated your LinkedIn profile, sent in your job applications and met with a few potential employers. When you are searching for the right job, there can be good days and not so good days. Sometimes it can seem as if you are not making much progress. Maybe the job offers you have received are not quite right for you, maybe you are still waiting to get some feedback following an interview or you might have just missed out on a job offer after being shortlisted.

How do you stay positive and focussed on your end goal of finding the right job for you? We got the First Base team together and came up with 5 things you can do to stay motivated while you search for your dream job.

Remember that the situation you are in is temporary, it won’t last forever and soon enough you’ll find the role you’ve been searching for. It can sometimes seem as if you’ll always be in this situation, but this isn’t the case, you will find something.

1. Start your day off on the right note

The way that you start your day often defines how the rest of it will go. After a good night’s rest to recharge your batteries, set an alarm so that you can make the most of the higher levels of productivity that you will have in the mornings. Try to establish a daily routine including start times, job search sessions and breaks so that you can quickly settle into a routine. Make sure you prepare well for interviews and keep up to date with what employers are really looking for.

2. Set yourself some daily goals

Every morning, think about what you want to achieve that day and list your goals and actions in a ‘To do’ list on paper or using the reminder feature on a smart phone These can then be checked off and provides you with a structure to keep you on track towards your end goal of securing your job. Remember, you don’t need to stick to these slavishly, if something isn’t working then adapt it and reprioritise the actions you need to take.

 3. Stay Positive

If you encounter a setback, remember that some of the reasons could be beyond your control. You are not alone, a lot of people are seeking new job opportunities and there will inevitably be some rejections. If you get a rejection it is often because someone else that applied is considered to be a better fit. Keep in mind that when you do get the job offer you want, someone else will have received a rejection.

If you receive a rejection try to turn this situation to your advantage by asking for feedback. This will help you to identify the things that you need to work on in time for your next application. If you are having a particularly quiet day in terms of positive responses, it could be that you need to alter your strategy. Think back to your most recent successes and ultimately remember that the right job is out there for you and keep going.

4. Make the most of your support networks

If the search becomes slightly overwhelming, take some time off with your family and friends who will be able to support you and offer advice on how to move forward. Friends who are also going through the same thing will also be able to share tips with you or could perhaps put in a word for you if their organisation is hiring. If you are working with a recruitment consultant, ask for their honest feedback and advice.

Check out our advice on building your personal network to boost your career opportunities.

5. Work smarter!

Register with a recruitment agency and take advantage of all the help and advice available to you from your consultant. We can help you with your CV and put you forward for opportunities where we feel there would be a good fit. When we introduce you to an employer there is much higher chance that they will interview you. Call us, register on line or pop in to meet us, you can be sure of a warm welcome!

Remember starting the search is a challenge but maintaining a high level of motivation throughout the search will mean the difference between securing a job sooner rather than later.  Staying positive and motivated are the best qualities to keep you going and it will be worth it once you come to start your first day in your new job!

Check out our website for current job listings and resources to help you with your job search, call 01453 755330 or email tricia.hay@first-base.co.uk.