Supporting staff through the menopause

Acknowledging the menopause and understanding how to support colleagues is a critical management issue for organisations big and small.

Women aged 45 and over are one of the fastest growing groups of employees in the British economy. It also happens to be a time in their lives when women are reaching menopause and can experience a wide range of potentially debilitating symptoms. The menopause has health and wellbeing consequences for individuals and can impact their effectiveness at work.

My wife fortunately works for one of the more enlightened organisation where male and female managers attend training on menopause awareness. Being supported through the roller coaster of physical and emotional effects of menopause made a huge difference to her personal well-being, home life and effectiveness at work.

Understanding the menopause

The symptoms which accompany transition to menopause sometimes continue post-menopause and can continue for several years. They can be debilitating – for around a quarter of women, they are seriously debilitating. Symptoms can include hot flushes and night sweats, heavy and erratic periods, difficulties with focus and memory, irritability, mood swings and depression.

How an organisation deals with women’s transition through menopause impacts its reputation as an employer and ability to attract and retain the best people.

So what do managers need to know?

1. The experience of menopause varies considerably from woman to woman, and there’s a long list of potential symptoms. Accordingly, it is important for workplaces to provide a variety of reasonable adjustments so that mid-life female workers can request the right options for them. Many of these such as providing desktop fans, cold drinking water and easy access sanitary protection, are cheap and easy to introduce. A flexible working pattern can also help women to manage their symptoms – if they have had a bad night’s sleep, for example and is already something all employees in the UK have the right to request. Other initiatives, like training for managers and HR an are excellent investment.

2. Sadly, some women report feeling as if their colleagues and managers treat them differently and unfairly due to the assumptions and stereotypes about the menopause. Unfortunately, in some organisations, there remains evidence of bullying, harassment and micro performance management because of a failure to properly understand the menopause. Compared with attitudes, policies and processes around pregnancy and maternity at work, the difference can become very obvious.

3. Organisations increasingly recognise the importance of social responsibility. The social responsibility case for employers to provide appropriate support for female staff experiencing menopause in the workplace is undeniable. There is ample evidence that work offers much more than just pay for older women. It is also a vital source of social support and self-esteem. Equally, it is clear that too many women do not feel able to speak up about any menopausal symptoms at work because they fear being judged, harassed or bullied.

The result is that they women manage their symptoms without any understanding or support which has negative connotations for both the individual and their employer.

4. Whilst providing support and understanding is simply the right thing to do for the individual and the business, there are also potential legal risks and financial costs associated with treating menopausal women unfairly.

5. There are other clear business reasons for making provision for women in menopause. The average cost of replacing an employee, for example, one who leaves because her symptoms make it too difficult to continue in her job without some reasonable adjustments, is £30,000. This includes the cost of lost output as well as the cost of recruiting. Less tangible costs, but just as important, include the loss of the departing individual’s expertise and experience.

Just like my wife’s enlightened organisation has found, introducing menopause in the workplace policies and other best practice is straightforward, makes business sense and is something all responsible companies should implement.

If you’d like to know more about how the team at First Base can help you with ideas about recruitment and retention of great people, call 01453 755330 or email

By David Tovey

5 ways to stay motivated during your job search

You’ve researched endless job listings, tailored your CV and personal profile, attended career fairs, updated your LinkedIn profile, sent in your job applications and met with a few potential employers. When you are searching for the right job, there can be good days and not so good days. Sometimes it can seem as if you are not making much progress. Maybe the job offers you have received are not quite right for you, maybe you are still waiting to get some feedback following an interview or you might have just missed out on a job offer after being shortlisted.

How do you stay positive and focussed on your end goal of finding the right job for you? We got the First Base team together and came up with 5 things you can do to stay motivated while you search for your dream job.

Remember that the situation you are in is temporary, it won’t last forever and soon enough you’ll find the role you’ve been searching for. It can sometimes seem as if you’ll always be in this situation, but this isn’t the case, you will find something.

1. Start your day off on the right note

The way that you start your day often defines how the rest of it will go. After a good night’s rest to recharge your batteries, set an alarm so that you can make the most of the higher levels of productivity that you will have in the mornings. Try to establish a daily routine including start times, job search sessions and breaks so that you can quickly settle into a routine. Make sure you prepare well for interviews and keep up to date with what employers are really looking for.

2. Set yourself some daily goals

Every morning, think about what you want to achieve that day and list your goals and actions in a ‘To do’ list on paper or using the reminder feature on a smart phone These can then be checked off and provides you with a structure to keep you on track towards your end goal of securing your job. Remember, you don’t need to stick to these slavishly, if something isn’t working then adapt it and reprioritise the actions you need to take.

 3. Stay Positive

If you encounter a setback, remember that some of the reasons could be beyond your control. You are not alone, a lot of people are seeking new job opportunities and there will inevitably be some rejections. If you get a rejection it is often because someone else that applied is considered to be a better fit. Keep in mind that when you do get the job offer you want, someone else will have received a rejection.

If you receive a rejection try to turn this situation to your advantage by asking for feedback. This will help you to identify the things that you need to work on in time for your next application. If you are having a particularly quiet day in terms of positive responses, it could be that you need to alter your strategy. Think back to your most recent successes and ultimately remember that the right job is out there for you and keep going.

4. Make the most of your support networks

If the search becomes slightly overwhelming, take some time off with your family and friends who will be able to support you and offer advice on how to move forward. Friends who are also going through the same thing will also be able to share tips with you or could perhaps put in a word for you if their organisation is hiring. If you are working with a recruitment consultant, ask for their honest feedback and advice.

Check out our advice on building your personal network to boost your career opportunities.

5. Work smarter!

Register with a recruitment agency and take advantage of all the help and advice available to you from your consultant. We can help you with your CV and put you forward for opportunities where we feel there would be a good fit. When we introduce you to an employer there is much higher chance that they will interview you. Call us, register on line or pop in to meet us, you can be sure of a warm welcome!

Remember starting the search is a challenge but maintaining a high level of motivation throughout the search will mean the difference between securing a job sooner rather than later.  Staying positive and motivated are the best qualities to keep you going and it will be worth it once you come to start your first day in your new job!

Check out our website for current job listings and resources to help you with your job search, call 01453 755330 or email










Wellbeing – it’s not just about free fruit!

Wellbeing at work isn’t a new concept but it is certainly on the agenda of many employers we speak to about their recruitment requirements. It’s increasingly important to the candidates who approach us well – many ask us to seek out those employers with a reputation for taking employee health and wellbeing seriously.

Still misunderstood?

According to a group of wellbeing experts in a recent British Safety Council report, there still remains a great deal of uncertainty about what exactly wellbeing is all about. The report ‘Not just free fruit: Wellbeing at Work’ found that employee wellbeing is often ignored or misunderstood. Employers are unsure how to define it, how to improve it, what priority to assign to it and how to measure the success of well-being programmes and interventions. While occupational safety remains a key priority for employers across all sectors, there is growing awareness of the impact wellbeing has on individuals, organisations and society as a whole.

“The link between wellbeing and productivity is undeniable and calculable. It cannot be ignored.”  – Lawrence Waterman OBE

The report provides a timely reminder that too often, unlike the highly professional approach to risk assessment and risk control which has yielded improvements in preventing accidents and injuries, wellbeing efforts have been marked by a combination of real enthusiasm and commitment married to a woeful ignorance of what will, sustainably and effectively, make a difference. Well-being at work not only includes traditional health benefits but, crucially, the conditions which characterise the working day: workload, collegiality, autonomy and salary, to name a few.

SME’s risk losing good talent

Whilst there are now many impressive well-being programmes being promoted by larger organisations it seems that some SME’s, whilst suffering the consequences of absenteeism and long term health issues, remain reluctant to provide health and wellbeing benefits.

A survey of 500 SMEs, conducted for BUPA, explains the paradox. While 76% of SME leaders who experienced the long-term sickness absence of a worker declared that it had a ‘significant impact’ on growth, only 46% said that health and wellbeing will be ‘a key consideration’ as they develop their business.

Following the survey Richard Norris, Bupa’s Consumer Director, observed that health and wellbeing ‘should be an integral part of their growth strategy from the start’. He stated: ”If small business owners continue to side line employee wellbeing, they risk losing market share and good talent to more supportive competitors. By supporting the health and wellbeing of their people, leaders are helping to protect the long-term health of their business.” The Federation and Small Businesses and the CIPD support his view. With 5.5m small businesses in the UK, both agree that health and well-being needs to be linked to an employer’s corporate strategy and based closely on the specific needs of the organisation and its people from the outset.

The report concludes with a statement we at First Base wholeheartedly support based on our experience of placing over 13,000 people into work with over 300 employers:

‘Workers are the lifeblood of all businesses, large or small. No company can survive without them. Looking after their well-being is not only the right thing to do, it also make good financial sense.’

You can download the full report here.

Employers and candidates tell us that First Base is their first choice for help with their recruitment requirements and their personal career progression. If you would like to know more about how the First Base team could help you, contact us on 01453 755330.

Working parents – how to avoid feeling overwhelmed

So how does your ‘master’ to do list look? Does it include a never-ending list of job deadlines, parenting responsibilities and domestic chores? The reality is that working parents have a seemingly endless and ever-growing to-do list or even multiple to-do lists. No wonder that research confirms that most working parents can end up feeling tired, in a constant hurry and stressed. For some, managing multiple priorities can seem overwhelming.

Technology has given us access to the tools we can use to organise our professional and personal lives but somehow these tools serve to remind us of the fact that we might not be getting enough done and may not be in control as we sit in bed scheduling meetings, phone calls, social media and business deadlines alongside school events, holiday activities and family commitments. We’ve all had that ‘stop the bus I want to get off” moment.

Our problem isn’t that we aren’t actually in control – it’s more about how the human brain functions. It is normal to feel overwhelmed when there seems to be so many multiple priorities to deal with.

The good news is that there are well established and simple techniques that every working parent can do to feel calmer and in control of those ever-present to do lists.

Begin with the end in mind

Good managers know that organisations work well when there are clear strategic, operational and tactical goals. There are targets that, when achieved, can be celebrated. Knowing where the organisation or team is headed they can be confident in decision making and enjoy the motivation that comes from working towards their destination.

Working parents don’t always do the same.

Too often we are working to get through what can often seem a daunting day ahead. Our heads go down as we ‘get on with it’ making our lives potentially seem relentless and stressful. It can feel as if those to do lists and schedules are in charge of your life rather than the other way around. Constantly feeling that we have too much to do can be exhausting.

If we take a leaf out of the good managers’ book and start thinking about the end results of being good parents and good in our professional lives you can put yourself back in charge. Knowing that your goals are to contribute to the success and growth of your organisation whilst raising healthy, independent, successful children provides a sense of confidence, motivation and self-determination. YOU decided on the goal and it is your goal you that you are getting closer to every day. And remember they are YOUR goals, not necessarily the goals of other parent’s. It’s achieving your own life and career goals that will motivate you when times seem tough. The more specific your goals are the more likely they are to motivate you.

With a clear view of what you are working towards you can rid your to-do list and schedules of anything that does not contribute to achieving your professional and family goals, focusing only on those things that matter, spending time and energy on those things driving you forward.

Keep an ‘it’s done’ list

It was when our very own David Tovey was speaking at a ‘Dealing with Multiple Priorities”  event in Sydney that he was introduced to the work of Russian psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik. The Zeigernic effect states that people tend to remember and over fixate on uncompleted or interrupted tasks significantly more than finished ones. Outstanding tasks take up a lot of mental space and create negative emotions that can leave us feeling anxious. As a working parent, the list of outstanding tasks can lead to a great deal of anxiety.  Whilst that to do list is necessary, it only fuels any stress we feel.

In Sydney, David met one person actually putting completed tasks, not originally on her to do list, on to the list so that she could put a line through it, showing it as completed. Why? Because it gave her a positive feeling of closure. Capture all those completed projects and remind yourself of how far you’ve come, how much has been accomplished in your professional and family life. Look back on the list from time to time to remind yourself of your achievements. At the same time keep all those ‘well done’ and ‘thank you’ work-related messages as well as fathers, mother’s day, birthday etc cards (especially the handmade ones). They have the power to bring a smile, a warm glow and remind yourself why you do what you do.

Take a digital detox

Smart phones, apps, email and social media provide great tools BUT also can contribute to a feeling of never being off duty. Promise yourself that sometime in the next couple of days you will set aside a minimum of 30 minutes for a digital detox at home. With that time commit to focusing on yourself and/or your family. Have a ‘no phones’ at meal times rule when the kids are telling you about their day. You have work commitments, yes, but even the highest powered execs can switch off for 30 minutes without the world ending.

Just 30 minutes can make a real difference. Stress ebes away and you are back in control having made the decision to detox and executed it.  Those schedules and to do lists are there to help you achieve your career, life and family goals. They don’t rule you, you rule them.

Employers and candidates tell us that First Base is their first choice for help with their recruitment requirements and their personal career progression. If you would like to know more about how the First Base team could help you, contact us on 01453 755330.





Start a conversation about mental health

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Businesses rely on having a healthy and productive workforce. Conditions like anxiety, depression and long term excessive stress are experienced by one in six British workers each year. Over the past five years, employers have repeatedly cited stress as the number one reason given by employees who take time off work.

Research by Mind, the mental health charity, recently confirmed that a culture of fear and silence around mental health can be costly to employers:

What does mental distress look like?

Although it can still be a taboo subject, mental distress is very common, with one in four people experiencing a mental health problem in any one year. Mental distress can affect how people think, feel and act and as a result, people may behave, communicate or respond in ways that give rise to concern.

In some cases, individuals may not disclose a mental health condition, but the Mind organisation suggests several behaviours to look out for that may indicate they are experiencing distress:

If you suspect an employee may be experiencing mental distress, it’s important not to make assumptions, consult them first about any impact this may or may not be having.

What can a business do?

Tackle the causes

Make sure that work the environment is suitable. Noise, temperature and light levels can all have an impact on wellbeing. Where possible and suitable to the business consider workspace dividers and quiet spaces to help improve the work environment. For staff working in isolation, ensure there are clear and regular lines of communication. This can be as simple as a regular phone catch-up.Consider introducing an informal mentoring scheme where suitable to help new staff members understand the business faster and to support them in their role.

The job

Set reasonable and agreed deadlines for work completion.
Provide a suitable working environment.
Define the work role and responsibilities as much as is possible.
Involve employees in the planning of their workload where possible.

The business

Encourage and promote an open environment at work. Employees need to feel confident and supported if they choose to discuss their mental health issues. Remember, it is their choice whether to disclose any issues and sensitive personal information should always remain confidential. Keep records of sickness absence and use them to analyse the causes of absence Promote a supportive working environment with regular catch-ups.

Career and personal development

Create clear management and appraisal structures involving the employee and take into account the views of employees with respect to job satisfaction and career development.

Support your people

If you become aware of a staff member experiencing mental distress the first step is to establish honest and open communication with them:

Sometimes staff may need to take some time off as sick leave due to mental ill health. If this becomes the case remember to:

Personal issues affecting staff

Try to stay aware of relevant personal issues affecting staff such as illness, bereavement and other stress related factors that may contribute to an employee struggling to cope in the workplace. This is easier to do when carried out informally such as a catch-up over coffee or lunch.

How a business deals with mental health issues reflects massively on their reputation as an employer. For the sake of the health of individual and the business, taking mental health issues seriously is good for everyone.

Employers and candidates tell us that First Base is their first choice for help with their recruitment requirements and their personal career progression. If you would like to know more about how the First Base team could help you, contact us on 01453 755330.
