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Top Interview Mistakes to Avoid (And How to Fix Them)

Top Interview Mistakes to Avoid (And How to Fix Them)

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, and even the most experienced candidates can make mistakes. But don’t worry—small slip-ups happen, and the good news is they’re avoidable! Here’s a look at some of the most common interview mistakes and how you can avoid them to make a great impression.

1. Not Prepping Enough

One big mistake is walking into an interview without doing your homework. Interviewers can tell when you’re unprepared, and it doesn’t leave the best impression. To avoid this, spend some time learning about the company—check out their mission, values, and recent news. Go over the job description and think about how your skills match up. Being prepared not only shows you’re serious but also makes it easier to answer questions confidently.

☑  At First Base we recommend you do a trial run of the route prior to the interview if face-to-face. It gives us great comfort that someone has found the location and planned their route (to avoid heavy traffic) beforehand and means they will likely arrive on time and be less flustered.

2. Dressing Inappropriately

First impressions matter, and how you dress plays a big part in that. Whether you’re overdressed or too casual, it can send the wrong signal. If you’re unsure about the dress code, it’s safer to be slightly more formal. Looking polished shows that you respect both the interview and the opportunity.

3. Negative Body Language

It’s not just about what you say—how you carry yourself speaks volumes. Slouching, crossed arms, or avoiding eye contact can come off as disinterested. Instead, sit up straight, make eye contact, and give a firm handshake. A smile and good posture can help you appear more confident and engaged.

4. Not Clearly Communicating Your Value

Sometimes it’s tough to explain exactly why you’re the best fit for the job. Instead of giving vague answers, prepare examples that highlight your skills and achievements. The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) can help structure your responses so they’re clear and to the point. This makes it easier for interviewers to see your value.  If you need support on this speak to one of our friendly team.

5. Skipping the Questions

Interviews are a two-way street. If you don’t ask questions, it might seem like you’re not that interested. Come prepared with thoughtful questions about the company culture, team, or growth opportunities. This shows you’re genuinely engaged and eager to learn more about the role and the company.

6. Speaking Negatively About Past Jobs

Talking badly about previous employers or co-workers is a big no-no. It can make you seem negative or difficult to work with. Even if your last job wasn’t great, focus on what you learned from the experience. Staying positive shows professionalism and maturity.

7. Oversharing or Going Off-Topic

It’s easy to start rambling when you’re nervous but try to stay focused. Oversharing or going off on unrelated tangents can hurt your chances. Practice answering common interview questions ahead of time to help you stay on track and keep your answers relevant.

8. Being Unclear

Be upfront –  whether it’s around your availability for a start date, holidays you have booked, salary expectations, or work hours. Vague or inconsistent answers can cause confusion. Being clear and honest helps avoid misunderstandings and shows you’re professional.

9. Not Following Up

After the interview, don’t forget to follow up! Sending a thank-you email within 24 hours shows your appreciation and keeps you top of mind. It shows the interviewer that you remain interested in the role and allows you to ask anything you may have missed.

Avoiding these common interview mistakes can make a huge difference in landing the job. The key is to prepare—know the company, practice your answers, and be mindful of your body language and communication. With a little confidence and professionalism, you’ll leave a lasting impression. Good luck!


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