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How to Win Back a Candidate Who Chooses a Higher Salary Elsewhere

It’s frustrating when a great candidate turns you down for more money from another company, but it’s not always the end of the road. With the right approach, you can still bring them on board. Here’s how to navigate the situation when a candidate rejects your offer for a higher salary.

1. Get to the Root of Their Decision
Money might not be the only thing driving their choice. Have an honest chat to understand their full reasoning. Are they after career growth, more flexibility, or a better work-life balance? Once you know what really matters to them, you can tailor your pitch to better meet their priorities.

2. Focus on Non-Salary Perks
If you can’t match their salary expectations, shine a light on other perks your company offers. Talk about things like professional development, company culture, remote work options, or clear paths for promotion. Sometimes, these benefits can outweigh a bigger paycheck.

3. Sweeten the Deal with a Counter-Offer
If they’re a perfect fit, it might be worth revisiting your offer. This doesn’t necessarily mean offering more money—you could throw in a signing bonus, more holidays, or flexible hours to make the role more attractive without breaking your budget.

4. Emphasise Long-Term Value
Help them see the bigger picture. Talk about the long-term career growth they can expect, the exciting projects they’d be a part of, or how the role can lead to even better opportunities within the company. Frame the position as more than just a job—it’s a stepping stone to something greater.

5. Keep the Door Open
If they decide to go with the other offer, don’t burn bridges. Let them know you’d love to stay in touch for future opportunities. Circumstances can change, and they might be open to reconsidering your company down the road.

In a Nutshell
While a higher salary offer can be tough to compete with, you don’t have to lose the candidate. By understanding their needs, highlighting what makes your company unique, and being flexible with your offer, you might just win them over in the end.

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