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How do I find more time to interview candidates?

We’re seeing more and more businesses report that they just don’t have the time to interview whilst they juggle the myriad of demands of running the organisation.

There’s so much going on that they lose sight of the importance of bringing on the right team to support the plans put together for 2023 and find themselves firefighting (doing the work of three people whilst they try to keep all the balls in the air).

It’s important to remember that an engaged and empowered workforce is critical in achieving growth AND adding to that team successfully, is just as key.

Candidates continue to be in short supply and are moving fast hence it’s so important to have a robust network of people that you can call on when business needs dictate it.

If you don’t have time to interview potential candidates there are a few things you can do: 

  1. Consider using pre-interview assessments to help you quickly identify the most qualified candidates. These can be a great way to quickly highlight candidates with the right skills and experience, without having to spend as much time interviewing.
  2. Ask current employees or industry contacts if they know of anyone who would be a good fit for the role. Personal referrals can be a great way to quickly identify qualified candidates.
  3. Conduct virtual* interviews using video conferencing software. This allows you to interview candidates remotely, without having to meet in person. 
  4. Consider hiring a candidate on a trial period or as a temp to start**, to determine if they are a good fit for the role and the company culture. This can be a good way to get to know the candidate without needing to conduct a long interview process.
  5. Outsource the interview process to a consultant, HR professional, or a member of your team who is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the company. This would allow you to focus on your business while someone else conducts the interview process on your behalf.
  6. A recruitment agency can handle the entire recruitment process*** for you, including advertising the job, screening cv’s, conducting interviews, and providing a shortlist of qualified candidates.

* Remember that virtual interviews should not replace the face-to-face interview, but act as a first step in identifying those you’d like to meet.  Meeting people, and allowing them to see and feel the culture of your business, is key.

**In today’s market, we are seeing a heightened need for stability hence a temp-to-perm arrangement or a permanent role from the get-go is far more attractive to job seekers

***A good recruitment agency will look after your reputation in the marketplace whilst you’re able to concentrate on all the other aspects of your job role. Look for great communication and a commitment to understanding the business. Invest in building a strong relationship in order to get the best out of your recruitment partner.


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