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How can I find the right people in 2023?

How to navigate a shortage of candidates in 2023.

The need for the right staff has never been more apparent. Being on the front line, where candidates are moving so quickly (and sometimes disappearing off the face of the earth) we put our heads together and came up with our top tips for navigating this challenge.

  1. Expand the recruitment pool: Look beyond traditional recruitment sources and consider candidates from a wider range of backgrounds and industries
  2. Offer flexible working arrangements: Attract a wider range of candidates by offering sustainable flexible working arrangements such as remote work, part-time work or flexible hours (always consider business needs and the needs of new recruits/those training)
  3. Improve employee retention: Reduce the need to bring in new staff by looking after current employees. This can be achieved by offering competitive remuneration packages, career development opportunities, a positive work-life balance and a safe environment in which to learn.
  4. Invest in Tech: Analyse processes and invest in technology to streamline and or automate.
  5. Build a strong employer brand: Build a strong employer brand to attract top talent. This can be achieved by promoting the company’s culture, values, and mission, and by highlighting the benefits of working for you (including the location of your business, ease of transport links, cities, and towns of interest: the lifestyle will be important to some).
  6. Leverage Recruitment Agencies and headhunters: Leverage recruitment agencies and headhunters to find the right calibre of candidates for the job. Build a relationship and be safe in the knowledge that a great recruitment agency will have ears and eyes to the ground to find you the right people.  Be open and honest, let them learn about you and the business and they will be out there acting as advocates.

These are some of the strategies that can be used to navigate a shortage of candidates in 2023. It is important to consider which strategies will be most effective for your company based on your specific needs and resources.

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