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Why are businesses struggling to find (the right) staff right now?

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It’s crazy out there right now – we know staff are moving very quickly and that decisions are being made seemingly by the minute. Counteroffers are rife, candidates are ghosting us or committing to a role, and then … purely not showing up.

There are so many reasons that we find ourselves in the situation whereby prospect candidates are like tumbleweed. Having spoken to hundreds of people this week, we thought it may be useful to share our findings on what has caused the scramble for the (right) staff, right now.

  • Some businesses have had to reassess and pivot. i.e.: if e-commerce is now a major focus, they will be recruiting for this skill set
  • Many organisations pruned a little too hard – a necessary business decision when sheer panic set in during March 2020. Although they now need to rebuild headcount and quickly
  • People’s health has suffered. Those that worked throughout the pandemic/were on furlough, whilst juggling schooling and childcare, may be seeing longer-term effects. People are tired and may be suffering from health-related issues due to Covid or mental health issues from loss or the fast pace of change. As a result, contract workers are in high demand
  • We’re seeing absenteeism increase and teams struggling to cover workloads when people are away from work
  • Tech talent is being sought as businesses have needed to review technology plans. Remote working has and will continue to be a thing and companies are seeking those with remote management experience. Experience in WFH and resilience is now even more important when hiring staff
  • Brexit, the EUSS and Covid-related restrictions mean that the workforce we relied upon for blue-collar work has been severely hit
  • The sudden upturn has meant a scramble for staff in order to keep up with demand – and businesses are keen to reap rewards now that they can
  • Demand has never been higher for talent with blue-collar workers and hospitality being one of the sectors hardest hit

We have many blogs that may be useful when you’re looking to bring new talent on board. Please have a read and watch this space for more information on just how you can attract the right people. If you’d like to discuss any of the above, check salary levels in the area or update us on the types of skills you’re looking for, please call 01453 755 330.

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