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The Budget – PAYE, Wages and More

The budget has finally put all agencies on the same playing field. First Base Employment have always taken the moral high ground on this. Workers cannot legally be paid travel and subsistence for walking to work – they cannot claim laundry expenses unless they are self employed and even then there are stipulations on making claims (as there are for any one of us). There has been a loophole to date which has meant people have opted (sometimes unknowingly) to be paid outside of PAYE – hence upping their wages and meaning bigger profits for agencies.

I have always felt very uncomfortable that the emphasis on keeping receipts and records when claiming expenses as a self employed person has been placed firmly on the candidate (who is sometimes completely unaware of the implications on their tax at a later date). No longer will agencies be able to hoodwink people into making short term gains. There are so many candidates out there who have fallen foul of this loophole.

Read more on “The Budget” here:

Tricia Hay

Tricia Hay is Owner, Director of First Base Employment Limited

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